Posted on 2023-01-03 in Newsletter

First Patient Enrolled in Phase 3 Trial of Abelacimab for High-Risk Atrial Fibrillation Patients

First Patient Enrolled in Phase 3 Trial of Abelacimab for High-Risk Atrial Fibrillation Patients

First Patient Enrolled in Phase 3 Trial of Abelacimab for High-Risk Atrial Fibrillation Patients

Anthos Therapeutics has enrolled the first patient in a Phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of abelacimab in high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation deemed unsuitable for current anticoagulants by their physician. The study is targeting to enroll approximately 1900 patients from more than 300 sites across North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Abelacimab was granted the FDA’s Fast-Track designation for investigation in the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with AF.

Publish Date: 03-01-2021   Source: Anthos Therapeutics

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most typical sustained cardiac arrhythmia. AF is often associated with other chronic cardiovascular conditions, including hypertension and heart failure, and long-term AF can result in a significantly raised risk of stroke. AF causes an estimated 15% of all strokes, accounting for one-third of strokes in individuals aged 65 years or older. AF is a complex disease with only a partly elucidated pathophysiology; it is the subject of extensive medical research, believing that a complete understanding of AF will yield novel drug therapies with improved effectiveness and safety profiles over current drugs. In keeping with other forms of cardiac arrhythmia, both a triggering factor and a substrate are thought to be required for AF induction; early-stage research has identified several novel targets that have the potential to prevent abnormal impulse formation (the trigger) and help reverse long-term structural and electrical remodeling. Guidelines prepared by the American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC)/European Society of Cardiology (ESC) classify AF into four major categories. Atrial fibrillation is classified based on its duration and its reversibility into sinus rhythm. The last three categories apply to recurrent AF episodes. The first-detected episode of AF can be symptomatic or self-limiting, and the diagnosing physician may be uncertain about the episode’s duration and previous episodes.

  • Atrial fibrillation (AF) prevalence increased from 0.1% among adults younger than 55 years to 8.5% in 80 years or older persons. Approximately 2.12 MN to 2.4 MN US adults is currently diagnosed with AF.

However, the current Atrial fibrillation treatment market share, market uptake, and attribute analysis concerning the most potential emerging therapies (MAA868, rivaroxaban, Rivaroxaban, etc.) has been provided under the market outlook section of the study covering 8 MM countries; The United States, EU5 (Germany, Spain, France, Italy, UK) Japan and China.

In terms of pharmacologic therapies, several pharmaceutical products are being approved and under different phases of development for the Atrial fibrillation treatment. The key companies in the advanced development stage are Anthos Therapeutics, Inc., Bayer, Servier, etc., targeting AF.

Based on solid domain and business knowledge, Thelansis Knowledge Partners has published the market outlook forecast report on Atrial Fibrillation (AF) to provide a clear understanding of disease area background, epidemiology, current and future competitions, the country-specific standard of care, and the complete market forecast for 2021 to 2032.

About Thelansis:

Thelansis specializes in pharmaceutical market outlook and market forecast reports. We published reports across the therapeutic area, including rare / ultra-rare and mainstream indications. Over the period, we have built a robust repository of 6,000+ Bio-pharma reports that cover Epidemiology studies and Market forecasting based on the KOL opinions.

Competitive intelligence and track of trial results throughout the phases of development executed by a team of a mix of Scientific and Business backgrounds. As an organization, the primary focus is to provide real-world data evidence and market insight to pharmaceutical companies for their decision-making.

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