Food Allergy – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2021 To 2032

Food Allergy Market Outlook and Forecast

Food Allergy – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2021 To 2032

Published Date : 2021-12-24

Updated On : 2023-10-20

Pages : 164

Food Allergy Market Outlook

Thelansis’s “Food Allergy Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2021 To 2032" covers disease overview, epidemiology, drug utilization, prescription share analysis, competitive landscape, clinical practice, regulatory landscape, patient share, market uptake, market forecast, and key market insights under the potential Food Allergy treatment modalities options for eight major markets (USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China).

Food Allergy Overview

Food allergy is an immune reaction to proteins in the food and can be immunoglobulin (Ig)E-mediated or non–IgE-mediated. Allergic reactions secondary to food ingestion are responsible for various symptoms involving the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract. Depending on the mechanism, food allergy can have two etiology- IgE-mediated or type-I hypersensitivity and other immunologically non-mediated reactions. The allergens are generally water-soluble glycoproteins resistant to breakdown and easily transported across the mucosal surface in the intestine. Risk factors for severe food allergies include asthma, prior episode of anaphylaxis and delay in the use of epinephrine. When a person is exposed to specific allergens, IgE antibodies specific to food develop that bind to Fc epsilon receptors on basophils, macrophages, mast cells, and dendritic cells. Once food allergens pass through the mucosal barriers and reach cell-bound IgE antibodies, these mediators are released, causing smooth muscle contraction, vasodilation, and mucus secretion, resulting in acute hypersensitivity.

  • Food allergy affects 10 to 12% of the adult population in the United States. The most common allergies were shellfish, milk, peanut, tree nut, and finfish. Among food-allergic adults, 51% experienced a severe reaction.

Geography Covered:

North America- the United States and Canada

Europe- EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom)

Other countries- Japan & China

Study Period: 2021-2032

Current Clinical Practice and Treatment Algorithm

This section of the study covers country-specific current clinical practice, the standard of care, and significant limitations around addressing the unmet needs. Retrospective analysis and bench-marking of clinical study outcomes are presented in terms of Pre-treatment & post-treatment clinical and demographic patient characteristics. Essentially, this section will cover the evolution of the current competitive landscape and its impact on the future treatment paradigm.

KOL Insights:

KOLs across 8 MM markets from the center of Excellence/ Public/ Private hospitals participated in the study. Insights around current treatment landscape, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, future treatment paradigm, and Unmet needs

Market Forecast: Patient Based Forecast Model (MS. Excel Based Automated Dashboard)

- Data Inputs with sourcing

- Market Event and Product Event

- Country-specific Forecast Model

- Market uptake and patient share uptake

- Attribute Analysis

- Analog Analysis

- Disease burden and pricing scenario

- Summary and Insights

NPV/ IRR Calculator-

Optimization of cash flow/ revenue flow concerning all fixed and variable investments throughout the product development process. The rate of return on an investment is a critical indicator to ensure the profitability and break-even of the project.

Competitive Landscape:

The competitive landscape includes country-specific approved as well as pipeline therapies. Any asset/product-specific designation or review such as Orphan drug designation, Fast track, Priority Review, Breakthrough Therapy Designation, Rare Pediatric Disease Designation, and Accelerated Approval are tracked and supplemented with analyst commentary.

Clinical Trial Assessment-

Detailed clinical trial data analysis and critical product positioning include trial design, primary outcomes, secondary outcomes, dosing and schedules, inclusion and exclusion criteria, recruitment status and essentially covers the reported adverse events. Majorly the trial analysis helps determine the potential of the critical assets and their probable filing and launch date.

Unmet Medical Needs Overview-

This report presents the most important clinical unmet needs in the treatment, according to Thelansis research and analysis. Other essential unmet needs identified through our study include decreased cost burden on patients, improved administration convenience, and improved patient compliance.

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Food Allergy Competitive Landscape

S. no Asset Company Stage
1 ADP101 Alladapt Immunotherapeutics, Inc. Phase 2
2 DBV712 DBV Technologies Phase 3
3 VE416 Vedanta Biosciences, Inc. Phase 2
4 Omalizumab Genentech, Inc. Phase 3
5 CNP-201 COUR Pharmaceutical Development Company, Inc. Phase 3
6 Dupilumab Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Phase 2
7 INT301 Intrommune Therapeutics Phase 1
8 AR101 Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. Phase 3
9 PVX-108 Aravax Pty Ltd Phase 2
10 Peanut SLIT-tablet ALK-Abelló A/S Phase 1


KOLs across 8 MM market from the center of Excellence/ Public/ Private hospitals participated in the study. Insights around current treatment landscape, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, future treatment paradigm, and Unmet needs.

USA 17
UK 4

Food Allergy Market Forecast: Patient Based Forecast Model (MS. Excel Based Automated Dashboard)

Data Inputs with sourcing, Market Event, Product Event, Country specific Forecast Model, Market uptake and patient share uptake, Attribute Analysis, Analog Analysis, Disease burden, and pricing scenario, Summary, and Insights.

Food Allergy Market Forecast

1.       Food Allergy – Key Findings Summary

         1.1.    Clinical findings
                     1.1.1. Disease overview
                     1.1.2. Therapeutic practices
                     1.1.3. Future outlook
         1.2.    Commercial findings
                     1.2.1. Food Allergy market scenario 2021
                     1.2.2. Food Allergy market scenario 2025
                     1.2.3. Food Allergy market scenario 2032

2.       Food Allergy Overview

         2.1.    Disease Introduction
         2.2.    Pathophysiology
         2.3.    Signs and Symptoms
         2.4.    Risk Factors
         2.5.    Etiology
         2.6.    Classification
         2.7.    Pathogenesis
         2.8.    Diagnosis
         2.9.    Complications
         2.10. Treatment Algorithm
                     2.10.1.    Treatment in US (guidelines)
                     2.10.2.    Treatment in EU-5 (guidelines)
                     2.10.3.    Treatment in Japan (guidelines)
                     2.10.4.    Treatment in China (guidelines)
         2.11. Treatment Goals for Food Allergy
         2.12. Referral Patterns
                     2.12.1.    Referral Scenario in US
                     2.12.2.    Referral Scenario in EU-5
                     2.12.3.    Referral Scenario in Japan
                     2.12.4.    Referral Scenario in China
         2.13. Food Allergy Prognosis
         2.14. Healthcare burden
                     2.14.1.    Healthcare burden in US
                     2.14.2.    Healthcare burden in EU-5
                     2.14.3.    Healthcare burden in Japan
                     2.14.4.    Healthcare burden in China
         2.15.  Unmet Needs in Food Allergy management
         2.16.  Market Opportunity for Food Allergy
         2.17. KOL Comments on current and upcoming/expected treatment practices in Food Allergy

3.       Epidemiology

         3.1.    Epidemiology Overview
         3.2.    Epidemiology by Geography
                     3.2.1.  Food Allergy Epidemiology in US (2021-2032)
                                 Incidence of Food Allergy
                                 Diagnosed cases
                                 Treatable Patient Pool
                                 Epidemiology Trends
                     3.2.2.  Food Allergy Epidemiology in EU-5 (2021-2032)
                                 Incidence of Food Allergy
                                 Diagnosed cases
                                 Treatable Patient Pool
                                 Epidemiology Trends
                     3.2.3.  Food Allergy Epidemiology in Japan (2021-2032)
                                 Incidence of Food Allergy
                                 Diagnosed cases
                                 Treatable Patient Pool
                                 Epidemiology Trends
                     3.2.4.  Food Allergy Epidemiology in China (2021-2032)
                                 Incidence of Food Allergy
                                 Diagnosed cases
                                 Treatable Patient Pool
                                 Epidemiology Trends
         3.3.    Epidemiology Trends (World-wide)

4.       Market Outlook

         4.1.    US Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.1.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.1.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.1.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.2.    UK Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.2.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.2.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.2.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.3.    France Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.3.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.3.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.3.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.4.    Germany Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.4.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.4.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.4.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.5.    Italy Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.5.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.5.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.5.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.6.    Spain Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.6.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.6.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.6.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.7.    Japan Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.7.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.7.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.7.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.8.    China Food Allergy Market Forecast 2021-2032
                     4.8.1. Market Progression (Futuristic)
                     4.8.2. Market Trends and Expectations
                                 Worst case scenario
                                 Base Case Scenario
                                 Best Case Scenario
                     4.8.3. Drivers and Barriers
         4.9.    Key Expected Milestones (world-wide) Impacting the Market

5.       Competitive Landscape

         5.1.    Pipeline Therapies Overview
                     5.1.1. Phase III Therapies
                                                 Current Status
                                                 Trial details, results
                                                 Approval Timeline
                                                 Likelihood of approval
                                                 Expected Product Positioning
                                 All other Phase III Therapies …..
                                 Attribute Analysis of Phase III molecules
                     5.1.2.  Phase II and Phase I/II Therapies
                                                 Current Status
                                                 Trial details, results
                                                 Approval Timelines
                     5.1.3. List of active Pre-clinical Therapies
                                                 Status in Food Allergy
                                                 Company positioning
                                 All other pre-clinical therapies
                     5.1.4. List of Inactive/discontinued assets
                                 Business impact of discontinuations on current pipeline
                     5.1.5. Potential winners from Food Allergy Pipeline
                                 Potential Blockbusters across the pipeline

6.       Regulatory/Approval Scenario

         6.1.    Regulatory/Approval Framework in US
                     6.1.1. Policy Framework
                     6.1.2. Payer Expectations
         6.2.    Regulatory/Approval Framework in UK
                     6.2.1. Policy Framework
                     6.2.2. Payer Expectations
         6.3.    Regulatory/Approval Framework in France
                     6.3.1. Policy Framework
                     6.3.2. Payer Expectations
         6.4.    Regulatory/Approval Framework in Germany
                     6.4.1. Policy Framework
                     6.4.2. Payer Expectations
         6.5.    Regulatory/Approval Framework in Italy
                     6.5.1. Policy Framework
                     6.5.2. Payer Expectations
         6.6.    Regulatory/Approval Framework in Spain
                     6.6.1. Policy Framework
                     6.6.2. Payer Expectations
         6.7.       Regulatory/Approval Framework in Japan
                     6.7.1. Policy Framework
                     6.7.2. Payer Expectations
         6.8.       Regulatory/Approval Framework in China
                     6.8.1. Policy Framework
                     6.8.2. Payer Expectations

7.       Clinical Trial Assessment – Current and Future Paradigm

         7.1.    Distribution of Primary Endpoints across trials
         7.2.    Distribution of Secondary Endpoints across trials
         7.3.    Evolution and acceptance of surrogate endpoints
         7.4.    Key Investigator initiated trials
         7.5.    Attrition analysis
                     7.5.1. Suspended/Discontinued Assets
                     7.5.2. Failed Trials, Reasons and Business Impact
                     7.5.3. Terminated Trials, Reasons and Business Impact
                     7.5.4. Withdrawn Trials, Reasons and Business Impact
         7.6.    Trial enrollment scenario and challenges
         7.7.    Clinical Trial Guidance (across geographies)

8.       Thelansis Commentary

         8.1.    Key Unmet needs in Food Allergy
         8.2.    Possible Best-case Clinical Trial Strategies
         8.3.    Possible Best Case Targeted Product Profile (TPP)
         8.4.    Possible Best-case Market positioning strategies
         8.5.    Possible Best-case Market Access Strategies
         8.6.    Possible Best-case LCM Strategies
         8.7.    Overall View on Food Allergy Market in Dollar Value

9.       Report Methodology

         9.1.    Secondary research
         9.2.    Primary research
         9.3.    Data collation
         9.4.    Insight Generation

10.   About Thelansis

         10.1.    Our Capabilities
         10.2.    Our Services
         10.3.    Our Contacts
         10.4.    Disclaimer